Layered Bureaucracy

“Well-meaning people fight corruption, waste, and fraud. Good! The problem is this: To prevent bad things from happening, we’ve adopted elaborate systems to check abuses, and these systems, replete with detailed regulations and bureaucrats to enforce them, have the...

Common Sense

“Today, if you are resolved to flout the obvious requirements of common sense and decide to plunge the world into obscurantism, you naturally invoke the justification of science.” – Michael Polanyi

Immigration & Wages

“Flooding the labor market with mass immigration has benefited elites. It keeps the costs of their Uber, their DoorDash, their organically harvested asparagus, and their neighborhood restaurant artificially low. But the deregulation of the labor supply also undercuts...

The Ordinary

“One should ‘cherish your earthly toil as the breath of grace’ and value ‘the ordinary’ and ‘the normal’ in place of Sisyphean visions of progress or self-perfection.” – Sebastian Milbank