Sabbath Observance

How should Christians observe the Sabbath? This is a thorny question, which is way of saying that Christians hold an array of views on the subject. Let us look at some relevant texts and, hopefully, come to a position on the matter, even if there remains a tentative...

Fearless Kids revisited

Twenty-first century culture seems to be in hot pursuit of a “freedom” that has turned out to be more of a compulsory, self-destructive licentiousness. This chase to the cultural bottom has been particularly hard on children. Marital happiness is encouraged, but often...

Everlasting Torment Purposes

Bad Behavior Limiter What is the purpose of everlasting torment? We can argue that the threat of everlasting torment affects how people behave. Let us call this the “Santa Claus effect”. (You better watch out; You better not cry; You better not pout; I'm telling you...

Post Subjects

God’s Promises

Is it right that Christians should be willing to accept it if Christ judges us unworthy to enter his heavenly kingdom? It is true, certainly, that Christ is our judge, he is omniscient, he is worthy, and he has the power to do so. It is also true that we do not deserve heaven. We are supposed to be perfect, but our imperfections cause damages to ourselves and to all those around us hour by hour. All that being true, what of Christ’s promise to us, based on our faith in him? Faith is not our work; it is God’s gift, and it is God’s downpayment, promise and proof of the full salvation he promises. Yes, we must attend, as Christians, to holy behavior, and we must continuously stand them next to Christ’s plumb line of righteousness. But those with faith do desire to live righteously. Frustration at their failures to do so is not evidence of faithlessness but of faith. – E.O.

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