Rare Discipline is a gateway from the barker’s coaxing and hawking romance, and pleasure, and alabaster skin, Suburbans on verdant byways, stuff we deserve, and interviews: “Your take on life’s meaning, in two words or less…”. Heads bow, pondering beyond...
Democratic Circuses
Singer songwriter, Paul Simon wrote in, The Boxer, that “a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”. This is human nature, and we are all guilty, as charged. But if we know we are guilty, then we know we must learn to hear what we do not want to hear....
Sabbath Observance
How should Christians observe the Sabbath? This is a thorny question, which is way of saying that Christians hold an array of views on the subject. Let us look at some relevant texts and, hopefully, come to a position on the matter, even if there remains a tentative...
“Man made in God’s image is again under assault and has been since 1973 when the US Supreme Court handed down the supremely evil decision known as Roe v. Wade, soon bolstered by a companion case known as Doe v. Bolton – and other decisions since. Human beings in the womb were declared non-humans without standing before the law, just as slaves were in the infamous Dred Scott decision.” – James H. Trott
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