Statistics Again

“Where mere statistics are enough to enmesh an employer in costly litigation over an inflated meaning of ‘discrimination,’ locations some distance from concentrations of minority workers become more attractive as sites for factories and offices. This works to the...

Faithless Faithlessness

“I still cursed God, as we all do when we get bad news and pain. Not even the most faith-impaired among us shouts, ‘Damn quantum mechanics!’ ‘Damn organic chemistry! ‘Damn chaos and coincidence!’” – P.J. O’Rourke

Alcohol Cancer

“The appropriate warning to put on all alcohol containers is: Consuming this beverage to excess could cause you to drive off the road into a tree, say stupid things that you will regret the next morning, or experience a fierce headache that will leave you grumpy and...

Christian Civilization

“Religions devised for a social purpose, like Roman emperor-worship or modern attempts to “sell” Christianity as a means of  “saving civilization,” do not come to much. The little knots of Friends who turn their backs on the “World” are those who really transform it.”...