Spin the Bottle

Spin the Bottle The leading candidates for both the Republican and Democratic parties have both shown themselves to be corrupt. One is a politician without convictions, moved by any left-blowing breeze. The other is one of the most outrageous narcissists in world...

In the Name of God, Go!

“We have a society-wide addiction to clickbait crack that treats politics like blood sport. Fifteen percent to 20% of Americans—our friends and neighbors on the left and right— are hooked. Our media habits are driving this country to the edge of suicide. Despite the...


A number of somewhat related thoughts have been rattling around in my head, attempting to coalesce. I recently read a book called, “America on Trial”, by Robert Reilly. Reilly is clearly influenced by Catholic theology, which means he is guided by church tradition, as...

Buttigieg’s Abortion

Pete Buttigieg was challenged this week by a pro-life Democrat, Kristen Day. Ms. Day wanted to know whether Buttigieg would support changing the Democratic Party Platform so that it recognized differences within the Democratic party on the question of abortion. (A...

Remove D. Trump

The Constitution limits impeachment to “treason, bribery, or other crimes and misdemeanors”. Both houses in Congress have historically given “high crimes and misdemeanors” a broad reading so that impeachable offenses are not limited to criminal conduct. Some have...