
“The most recent presidential election was won on a campaign of ‘hope and change’. I was appalled about the change part. We had just, finally, gotten Buster out of diapers. Change is not a good word at our house. Or anywhere else. Change a tire. ‘You’d better change...


“It is my governing conviction…that much of modernity should be understood not as a grand revolt against the tyranny of faith, or as a movement of human liberation and progress, but as a counterrevolution, a reactionary rejection of a freedom which it no longer...

Human Value

“To look on the child whom our ancient ancestors would have seen as somehow unwholesome or as a worthless burden, and would have abandoned to fate, and to see in him or her instead a person worthy of all affection—resplendent with divine glory, ominous with an...

U.S., Abortion Extremist

“The United States is one of only seven countries—along with North Korea, China, Vietnam, Canada, Singapore, and the Netherlands—that permit elective abortion after twenty weeks of pregnancy. U.S. abortion policy is far more permissive even than the policies in most...