Government Enabling

“On a cold, sunny day not too long ago, I went to see the city’s [San Francisco] new Tenderloin Center for drug addicts on Market Street. It was downtown, an open-air chain-link enclosure in what used to be a public plaza. On the sidewalks all around it, people were...

Women Security

“Alarmist stories in the media about domestic violence often lump together husbands and boyfriends as ‘partners’ who batter women, when in fact a woman who heads her own household is nearly three times as likely to be beaten as a wife is. Separated, divorced, and...

Federal Tax Benefits

The American government will spend $4 trillion this year. There are an estimated 308.6 million Americans. We each get $12,956. Sure we mostly get it in the form of Sacramento light rail projects that don’t go anywhere except Sacramento, sugar beet price supports,...


“We are free not merely because we can choose, but only when we have chosen well.” – David Bentley Hart