Christian Universe

“Christian thought taught that the world was entirely God’s creature, called from nothingness, not out of any need on his part, but by grace; and that the God who is Trinity required nothing to add to his fellowship, bounty, or joy, but created out of love alone. In a...

Abortion as Cure

“No one would think doctors had cured cancer if they began killing every person diagnosed with the disease, but abortion is fast becoming the norm for children diagnosed with disabilities in the womb.” – Anderson/DeSanctis

Exceptional Policing

“Congresswoman Cori Bush is, on the one hand, pushing hard to defund the police. On the other hand, she spent $70,000 on private security over just a few months, much more than the average for a congresswoman. She was asked about any complexity in pushing to defund...


“Experience, we might say, is the transformative knowledge we acquire through engagement with the world as it discloses itself to us.” – Ian Tuttle

Oasis of Sanity

“It is not possible to preserve for long an oasis of sanity in a desert of unreason by mere fences.” – J.R.R.Tolkien