Pork Barrel Socialism

“Los Angeles approved a bond measure for $1.2 billion in 2016 to build housing for the homeless. They were told it would mean 10,000 units of housing for the homeless. Five years later, the city had only completed a fraction of them. One project cost $837,000 to house...


“In academic circles, the equally vast generality is ‘diversity,’ which often stands for a quite narrow social agenda, as if those who reiterate the word ‘diversity’ endlessly had no idea that diversity in itself is diverse and has many dimensions besides the one with...

Surface Compression Unit

“When it comes to truly not speaking English, it’s impossible to top the U.S. Department of Defense. The DOD calls a metal nut—the metal nut that goes on a bolt—I’m not kidding about this—a ‘hexaform rotatable surface compression unit.’” –...

Sexual Revolution

“The root cause of virtually all of our social problems is the collapse of marriage and family following the sexual revolution. Yet so little sustained, organized, strategic effort has gone into responding to this collapse. We must think it through: How can we reach...

Science & Christianity

“In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Christian scientists educated in Christian universities and following a Christian tradition of scientific and mathematical speculation overturned a pagan cosmology and physics, and arrived at conclusions that would have...

Medical Assault

“Elective abortion solves no medical problem and treats no disease. While it occasionally might be necessary to deliver a child early or perform a treatment on a pregnant mother that will result in the death of her baby, intentionally killing an unborn child is never...