
“Man made in God’s image is again under assault and has been since 1973 when the US Supreme Court handed down the supremely evil decision known as Roe v. Wade, soon bolstered by a companion case known as Doe v. Bolton – and other decisions since. Human beings in...

Budgeting & Promises

“The issue is posed as one of providing ‘affordable housing,’ ‘decent jobs,’ ‘adequate health care,’ and the like. The cost problem is often waved aside by some such general statement as, ‘surely a country that can put a man on the moon…’ or fight a war in the Persian...

Abortion & Democrats

“As my colleagues at the Ethics and Public Policy Center have documented, this administration has turned Title X into an abortion-counseling mandate, turned taxpayer dollars into abortion funds, turned emergency rooms and VA hospitals into abortion clinics, turned the...

Judicial Confirmations

“If Biden should apologize to anyone, it’s Clarence Thomas, or maybe the American people, for allowing judicial confirmation hearings to be turned into partisan-fueled character assassinations, weaponized to destroy the legitimacy of the Supreme Court—all in the...

Government Extortion

“Ignore everything politicians say about opportunity. They’re lying. When politicians tout ‘opportunity’ either they are trying to help voters disguise an extortion as a gift or they are the groom of government complimenting the bride of private property while in bed...

Abortion Confusion

“Remarkably, one-third of Gallup respondents said that their views are described ‘at least somewhat well’ by both of these statements: ‘Human life begins at conception, so an embryo is a person with rights,’ and ‘the decision about whether to have an abortion should...