
Conformity is a serious issue. No matter what room you enter, the people there will pressure you to conform to their ideals, practices and rituals. A good 90% of these ideals, practices and rituals will fall into a range of inane-to-toxic. Socially, the easy thing is...

Planned Unparenthood

“A New York Times exposé focused solely on Planned Parenthood, which was found to have a systemic workplace culture disfavoring pregnant women. This included both illegal discrimination, such as taking account of pregnancy in hiring decisions, or subtle...

Judicial Activism

“Judicial activism is a mechanism through which that vision can be imposed on a public which does not support it, without having to go through elected officials who would not dare to vote for many of the features of that vision, including an expansion of criminals’...

Old Faithful Latte

“In principle I am opposed to our government owning such a large portfolio. In practice, I am grateful I can’t sit on the outdoor deck of a Starbucks with my latte to watch Old Faithful spout.” – John Valencheck

Western Culture

“There has never been any unitary organization of Western culture apart from that of the Christian Church, which provided an effective principle of social unity…Behind the ever-changing pattern of Western culture there was a living faith which gave Europe a certain...