Jenice Armstrong, writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, recently wrote a commentary on the Mummer’s Day satire of Jay-Z manipulating Mayor Kenney. As satire, the Mummer performance was pretty lame—but bad taste and cheekiness, like feathers, are the make-up of...
Government Shutdown
Is it not Congress and the President who bear the greatest responsibility for determining the scope of federal services? Whatever federal services exist, the President and Congress have deemed them so important they have passed laws requiring U.S. citizens to pay for...
Merry Christmas
Christmas is the most important day of the international calendar, both for cultural and economic reasons. In spite of this, the actual meaning of Christmas remains largely hidden. Occasionally we see posts of, “Put Christ back in Christmas,” but the origins of such...
Marriage Protects Unborn
“Four percent of babies conceived in marriage will be aborted, compared to 40 percent of children conceived outside of marriage. Meanwhile, 13 percent of women who have abortions are married, and 87 percent are unmarried. Non-marital sex is the main cause of abortion. Marriage is the best protector of unborn human life.” – Ryan T. Anderson
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