Public Education Financing

“A long-standing excuse for the deficiencies in public education is that we do not spend enough money. But that narrative is false. From 1952 to 2018, the real average expenditure per pupil rose by 343.9 percent. Since these are inflation-adjusted dollars, that means...

Sweet By and By

Christians don’t live for the “sweet by-and-by”. Christians see every moment as precious and pregnant with everlasting implication. Belief in the everlasting doesn’t diminish the present; it magnifies it. – E.O.

Faith & Children

“This is perhaps why so many people come to faith after they have children—not, as I previously thought, because they think they should ‘raise them in church,’ but because they see in this person in front of them more than just a bundle of neurons, a carrier of DNA,...

Analgesic Tax

“The withholding tax is only one thing that makes U.S. taxpayers more docile (the analgesic effect). Paid preparation of taxes goes a long way in masking the gargantuan complexity, and inefficiency, of the tax code to the average citizen (the anesthetic effect). And...