The Ordinary

“One should ‘cherish your earthly toil as the breath of grace’ and value ‘the ordinary’ and ‘the normal’ in place of Sisyphean visions of progress or self-perfection.” – Sebastian Milbank


“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” – Gustav Mahler

Lincoln’s Sorrow

“The President [Abraham Lincoln] bowed his head and with a look of sadness I never can forget he said, ‘I shall never be glad any more.’ All severity had passed from his face. He seemed looking backward, and heartward, and for a moment to forget he was not alone, a...


“When the Bible speaks of God’s justice, it is talking about the creator’s utter determination, faced with his creation in a mess, to put it all right. When it speaks of God’s love, it is talking about the creator entering into a ‘covenant’, a close personal...