Old Faithful Latte

“In principle I am opposed to our government owning such a large portfolio. In practice, I am grateful I can’t sit on the outdoor deck of a Starbucks with my latte to watch Old Faithful spout.” – John Valencheck

Western Culture

“There has never been any unitary organization of Western culture apart from that of the Christian Church, which provided an effective principle of social unity…Behind the ever-changing pattern of Western culture there was a living faith which gave Europe a certain...

No Matter

“There is no matter as such, but only a force [and] behind this force, a conscious, intelligent spirit.” – Max Planck


“To see differently. Literally, to repent, which in the original Greek metanoia does not mean, ‘Say you’re sorry,’ as I always used to believe, but rather: Transform yourself. Turn around, change your mind, change your heart, change your way of seeing. And through...

Life Lessons

“I hate life lessons. Consider all the I-hope-you’ve-learned-your-lesson experiences: skinned knees, high school romances, wreckage of dad’s car, flunked college courses, horrible hangovers, failed marriages. I tell my children, ‘Avoid life lessons. The more important...