
“It became clear that for the sake of his pension, his life insurance, the security of his wife and children, such a man was ready to sacrifice his beliefs, his honor, and his human dignity. It needed only the Satanic genius of Himmler to discover that after such...

Pig Walked Away

“One evening in October, when I was one-third sober, An’ taking home a ‘load’ with manly pride; My poor feet began to stutter, so I lay down in the gutter, And a pig came up an’ lay down by my side;  Then we sang ‘It’s all fair weather when good fellows get...

Progressives & Capitalists

“Progressives and the defenders of capitalism have odd views about what makes human beings happy. For the right, happiness seems to mean wealthy people having still more money, whereas from the left it seems to mean politicians, on the advice of “experts,” imposing...


“He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.” – Edmund Burke

Necessary War

“Instead of producing a pacifism devoid of reality, the insight into the structure of modern wars, guided and mobilized by fear, might have led to the realization that the only standard for a necessary war is the fight against conditions under which people no longer...