Government Largesse

“In the first hundred days of his presidency Barack Obama proposed spending $12 billion on community colleges, which, if it had passed Congress, would only have resulted in more states deciding that firemen and state troopers must learn how to put their footnotes in...


“The Marxian message of ‘exploitation’ helped sweep communists into power in countries around the world in the twentieth century, at a pace and on a scale seldom seen in history. There is clearly a political market for that message, and communists are just one of the...

Two Whales

“To address the widespread anxiety in this generation, there are two whales—two big things that schools could do using mostly resources they already have. These are phone-free schools and more free play.” – Jonathan Haidt


Eccletribalism: Commitment to ecclesiastical traditions and distinctives with a disregard for how it may wound, or stunt the growth of the local church.  – E.O.

Attention Economy

“In an attention economy, there’s only so much attention and the advertising business model always wants more. So, it becomes a race to the bottom of the brainstem…It starts small. First to get your attention, I add slot machine “pull to refresh” rewards which create...

Layered Bureaucracy

“Well-meaning people fight corruption, waste, and fraud. Good! The problem is this: To prevent bad things from happening, we’ve adopted elaborate systems to check abuses, and these systems, replete with detailed regulations and bureaucrats to enforce them, have the...