Pity the Beautiful

Pity the Beautiful  Beauty is a handicap.  Everyone is attracted to the beautiful. Because of this, if you are beautiful, you are constantly reminded by friends and strangers that you are desirable because you are beautiful.  Being beautiful opens many...

John 4.1-45

Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. And he had to pass through Samaria. So he...

Democratic Racism

Much of the Republican Party seems intent on committing hara kiri via fawning obeisance to Donald Trump. In spite of this party foolishness, it is baffling that most Black Americans remain loyal to the Democratic Party, which can’t seem to formulate a platform that...

Post Subjects


“To do a cancellation is a very warm, social thing. It has the energy of a potluck. Everyone brings what they can, and everyone is impressed by the creativity of their friends. It’s a positive thing, what you’re doing, and it doesn’t feel like battle so much as nurturing the love for one’s friends, tending the warm fire of a cause. You have real power when you’re doing it. And with enough people, you can oust someone very powerful.” – Nellie Bowles

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