John 4.1-45
Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. And he had to pass through Samaria. So he...
Democratic Racism
Much of the Republican Party seems intent on committing hara kiri via fawning obeisance to Donald Trump. In spite of this party foolishness, it is baffling that most Black Americans remain loyal to the Democratic Party, which can’t seem to formulate a platform that...
Good News
Good News Christianity is sometimes referred to as the Good News. What’s so good about it? Even if you don’t believe in the God of the Christians, you ought to know what Christians believe, in order to understand why billions of people have chosen to believe. The Good...

“If one could plausibly explain how an absolutely libertarian act, obedient to no prior rationale whatsoever, would be distinguishable from sheer chance, or a mindless organic or mechanical impulse, and so any more ‘free’ than an earthquake or embolism, then the argument might carry some weight. But to me it seems impossible to speak of freedom in any meaningful sense at all unless one begins from the assumption that, for a rational spirit, to see the good and know it truly is to desire it insatiably and to obey it unconditionally, while not to desire it is not to have known it truly, and so never to have been free to choose it.” – David Bentley Hart

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