Birthright for Beans

Part II of III What Happened To the Human Race? Human history is a long sequence of crises. The twentieth century, with two world wars and a cold war that threatened to annihilate the human race (and which remains in the backs of our minds as a possibility) was far...

Birthright for Beans

Part I of III Transgenderism: Data and Commentators For several centuries, Western culture has been extricating itself from Judeo-Christian presuppositions, cutting ties between humans and the guidance of God. The movement has been in the direction of independence,...

John 3.25-30

Now a discussion arose between some of John's disciples and a Jew over purification. And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, he who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you bore witness—look, he is baptizing, and all are going to him.”John answered, “A...

Post Subjects

Heaven’s Records

In heaven the history books will feature the sacrifices and acts of kindness done by the humble, while so-called world leaders and conquering generals will find their mentions in footnotes. Maybe there will be no libraries. Perhaps the resurrected will have absolute recall. In this case, while experimentation and exploration will continue, much knowledge will be gained through narratives of the past. Many nights will be filled with stories told at the fire pits. Or, perhaps, more cooperative efforts will result in historical plays or poetry or song. The world will be turned right-side up then and we will together give God thanks for the little things done through history that were truly life-giving and important. – E.O.

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