John 1. 9-11
John 1.9-11 The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. The true light. It’s not unusual to...
John 1.6-8
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. John the Apostle is quick to introduce John the Baptist in...
Roe v. Wade
The Supreme Court is made up of some of the finest minds in America. These brilliant jurists are supported by brilliant research staff, and they are guided by more than two centuries of American legal precedents, centuries of western legal precedents, and three...

Boys & Frogs
“Boys throw stones at frogs for fun, but the frogs don’t die for “fun”, but in sober earnest.” – Bion

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