Christian Assemblies During COVID-19
The Week Magazine, in its April 10, 2020 issue, ran an article entitled, “Evangelicals: Just saying no to distancing”. They tried to present both sides of the question, as is their custom. However, this story was more of a pot stirrer than real news. No doubt there...
Heavenly Sorrow
We are taught that in heaven there will be no more grief or sorrow, which leads to the speculation that our memories, or our bad memories will be erased. I doubt it. The difficulties, the pain, the struggles, the heartbreaks, in short, the warfare that so...
Life-Sustaining Business
While the government and business interests debate what constitutes a “life-sustaining business,” people who are losing their jobs know that, whatever their job had been, for them it had been life-sustaining. Governor Wolf does not mean what they mean, but Governor...

“It did what all ads are supposed to do: create an anxiety relievable by purchase.” ― David Foster Wallace,

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