Pluralism Lament

The survival of the United States as a fundamentally free country depends on a commitment to democracy, republicanism, and pluralism. Can these survive our present cultural polarization? Our differences are many but most critically we are separated over what it means...

Marcus J. Borg

Marcus J. Borg The Heart of Christianity Marcus Borg is an apologist for what he terms, the Emerging Christian church. His approach to Christianity goes by other names, such as “liberal”, “main line”, or “progressive”. “Why can’t we all just get along?” is another way...


Destruction of the Wicked Part of a Series on the Nature of Hell The predominant viewpoint within Christianity is that hell is a place of everlasting torment. This series on hell argues otherwise, on the basis that the Bible teaches annihilation rather than torment....

Post Subjects


“To do a cancellation is a very warm, social thing. It has the energy of a potluck. Everyone brings what they can, and everyone is impressed by the creativity of their friends. It’s a positive thing, what you’re doing, and it doesn’t feel like battle so much as nurturing the love for one’s friends, tending the warm fire of a cause. You have real power when you’re doing it. And with enough people, you can oust someone very powerful.” – Nellie Bowles

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