Fearless Kids revisited
Twenty-first century culture seems to be in hot pursuit of a “freedom” that has turned out to be more of a compulsory, self-destructive licentiousness. This chase to the cultural bottom has been particularly hard on children. Marital happiness is encouraged, but often...
Everlasting Torment Purposes
Bad Behavior Limiter What is the purpose of everlasting torment? We can argue that the threat of everlasting torment affects how people behave. Let us call this the “Santa Claus effect”. (You better watch out; You better not cry; You better not pout; I'm telling you...
Pluralism Lament
The survival of the United States as a fundamentally free country depends on a commitment to democracy, republicanism, and pluralism. Can these survive our present cultural polarization? Our differences are many but most critically we are separated over what it means...

“As early as 1935, Hitler had told his Reich Medical Leader Gerhard Wagner that ‘if war came, he would take up and carry out this question of euthanasia, because it was easier to do so in wartime.’ The decree was immediately carried out in respect to the mentally sick, and between December, 1939, and August, 1941, about fifty thousand Germans were killed with carbon-monoxide gas in institutions where the death rooms were disguised exactly as they later were in Auschwitz—as shower rooms and bathrooms.” – Hannah Arendt

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