Bully for Keswick
We lived in the town of Wyncote, until I learned that Wyncote is not a town; it is a CDP (a census designated place). A what? A CDP is “a statistical representation of an unincorporated community that is used to gather data for statistical purposes. CDPs are the...
That All Shall Be Saved Considering David Bentley Hart’s Universalism Christians have long disagreed about how God will deal with unbelievers on the Day of Judgment. Some think God will ultimately save all people. Some think life is conditional and that unbelievers...
Abortion Nuances
“You shall not kill,” is a law with ancient roots, mostly known as one of the Ten Commandments. It is a religious idea but a little reflection reveals its critical applications for civic order. Those who fail to accept its demands tend to find themselves serving long...

Nuclear Waste
“It is irresponsible to go for- ward and build new reactors if you haven’t solved the waste problem,” – Allison Macfarlane, Chair of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2012-2014

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